Free Stock Footage – General Terms of Use
Latest Version as of 11.7.16
This stock footage is primarily intended for independent productions. All of the stock clips are free of charge / no cost to download. The clips are royalty free, however, all copyright is retained by Mitch Martinez. If you find the stock footage useful, donations/contributions via PayPal are greatly appreciated. Every contribution helps maintain this stock footage resource and continue the weekly updates. The files are h264 encoded mp4 format. For most purposes, users are able to utilize the footage with little to no restrictions. For commercial projects/productions, please see the details below.
– User may not sell or resell any of the clips directly for profit
– User may not sell or resell any modified, cropped, or composited version of the clips directly for profit
– User may not present the clips individually as their own work
– User may not claim any copyright to footage
– User may not re-distribute the stock footage (this applies to website and apps providing footage to users)
The Stock Files may not be sold as stand alone clips/stock files, or included in any other media/stock product, library, or collection for distribution or resale. The Stock Files may not be used, in part or in whole, as a trademark or service mark, nor may you claim any proprietary rights of any sort in the Stock Files, or any part thereof. You may not make available some or all of the Stock Files on a web page or other display as a separate or downloadable reusable file, or disassemble, decompile, reverse
engineer, translate, or otherwise decode the Stock Files for any reason whatsoever.
Mitch Martinez retains all right, title, and interest in and to the Stock Files not expressly granted by the issued license agreement or terms of use. Such rights are protected by the United States and International Copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by the terms of this Agreement.
Membership/Download limits:
This website does not impose any daily limits on footage downloads. Although website subscription is encouraged, the website does not require any e-mail list sign-ups or log-in to download footage.
For any project that lists credits for cast and crew, credit/attribution to Mitch Martinez and should be listed. On projects where credits are not listed, credit/attribution is not required or a major concern.
Commercial Projects:
For any commercial projects (including commercials, corporate videos, feature films, tv shows, music videos, etc.), complete the form on the
Release Form Request Page to ensure proper paperwork for use of the stock footage are in place for your project. This does not involve payment or fees – just making sure all of the legal things are good to go.
CLICK HERE to complete the licensing/release request form.
*Note – Mitch Martinez is under no obligation to grant stock footage licensing and reserves the right to deny licensing if deemed appropriate.
Overall, this footage is intended for everyone to benefit from and use to help make their productions as great as possible. I hope you find it useful and look forward to seeing what you create with this stock footage. All the best!
*NOTE – This version is more of a draft but holds true to the principles of concepts behind the free stock footage of my website ~ MM